215 research outputs found

    Superconductors from Superstrings

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    We establish that in a large class of strongly coupled 3+1 dimensional N=1 quiver conformal field theories with gravity duals, adding a chemical potential for the R-charge leads to the existence of superfluid states in which a chiral primary operator of the schematic form O = \lambda\lambda + W condenses. Here \lambda is a gluino and W is the superpotential. Our argument is based on the construction of a consistent truncation of type IIB supergravity that includes a U(1) gauge field and a complex scalar.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; v2 improved figure, small change

    Exceptional Collections and del Pezzo Gauge Theories

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    Stacks of D3-branes placed at the tip of a cone over a del Pezzo surface provide a way of geometrically engineering a small but rich class of gauge/gravity dualities. We develop tools for understanding the resulting quiver gauge theories using exceptional collections. We prove two important results for a general quiver gauge theory: 1) we show the ordering of the nodes can be determined up to cyclic permutation and 2) we derive a simple formula for the ranks of the gauge groups (at the conformal point) in terms of the numbers of bifundamentals. We also provide a detailed analysis of four node quivers, examining when precisely mutations of the exceptional collection are related to Seiberg duality.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure; v2 footnote 2 amended; v3 ref adde

    The Second Sound of SU(2)

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the transport coefficients of a strongly interacting system with a non-abelian SU(2) global symmetry near a second order phase transition. From the behavior of the poles in the Green's functions near the phase transition, we determine analytically the speed of second sound, the conductivity, and diffusion constants. We discuss similarities and differences between this and other systems with vector order parameters such as p-wave superconductors and liquid helium-3.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures; v2 ref added, typo fixe

    Quantum critical transport, duality, and M-theory

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    We consider charge transport properties of 2+1 dimensional conformal field theories at non-zero temperature. For theories with only Abelian U(1) charges, we describe the action of particle-vortex duality on the hydrodynamic-to-collisionless crossover function: this leads to powerful functional constraints for self-dual theories. For the n=8 supersymmetric, SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at the conformal fixed point, exact hydrodynamic-to-collisionless crossover functions of the SO(8) R-currents can be obtained in the large N limit by applying the AdS/CFT correspondence to M-theory. In the gravity theory, fluctuating currents are mapped to fluctuating gauge fields in the background of a black hole in 3+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space. The electromagnetic self-duality of the 3+1 dimensional theory implies that the correlators of the R-currents obey a functional constraint similar to that found from particle-vortex duality in 2+1 dimensional Abelian theories. Thus the 2+1 dimensional, superconformal Yang Mills theory obeys a "holographic self duality" in the large N limit, and perhaps more generally.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures; (v2) New appendix on CFT2, corrected normalization of gauge field action, added ref

    Operator Counting and Eigenvalue Distributions for 3D Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We give further support for our conjecture relating eigenvalue distributions of the Kapustin-Willett-Yaakov matrix model in the large N limit to numbers of operators in the chiral ring of the corresponding supersymmetric three-dimensional gauge theory. We show that the relation holds for non-critical R-charges and for examples with {\mathcal N}=2 instead of {\mathcal N}=3 supersymmetry where the bifundamental matter fields are nonchiral. We prove that, for non-critical R-charges, the conjecture is equivalent to a relation between the free energy of the gauge theory on a three sphere and the volume of a Sasaki manifold that is part of the moduli space of the gauge theory. We also investigate the consequences of our conjecture for chiral theories where the matrix model is not well understood.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 5 figure

    Seiberg Duality is an Exceptional Mutation

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    The low energy gauge theory living on D-branes probing a del Pezzo singularity of a non-compact Calabi-Yau manifold is not unique. In fact there is a large equivalence class of such gauge theories related by Seiberg duality. As a step toward characterizing this class, we show that Seiberg duality can be defined consistently as an admissible mutation of a strongly exceptional collection of coherent sheaves.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures; v2 refs added, "orbifold point" discussion refined; v3 version to appear in JHEP, discussion of torsion sheaves improve

    Energy Loss of Heavy Quarks from Asymptotically AdS Geometries

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    We investigate some universal features of AdS/CFT models of heavy quark energy loss. In addition, as a specific example, we examine quark damping in the spinning D3-brane solution dual to N=4 SU(N_c) super Yang-Mills at finite temperature and R-charge chemical potential.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; v2 refs added, typo fixe

    Supersymmetry Breaking from a Calabi-Yau Singularity

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    We conjecture a geometric criterion for determining whether supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in certain string backgrounds. These backgrounds contain wrapped branes at Calabi-Yau singularites with obstructions to deformation of the complex structure. We motivate our conjecture with a particular example: the Y2,1Y^{2,1} quiver gauge theory corresponding to a cone over the first del Pezzo surface, dP1dP_1. This setup can be analyzed using ordinary supersymmetric field theory methods, where we find that gaugino condensation drives a deformation of the chiral ring which has no solutions. We expect this breaking to be a general feature of any theory of branes at a singularity with a smaller number of possible deformations than independent anomaly-free fractional branes.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, latex, v2: minor changes, refs adde

    String Tensions and Three Dimensional Confining Gauge Theories

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    In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we try to understand better the proposed duality between the fractional D2-brane supergravity solutions of (Nucl. Phys. B 606 (2001) 18, hep-th/0101096) and a confining 2+1 dimensional gauge theory. Based on the similarities between this fractional D2-brane solution and D3-brane supergravity solutions with more firmly established gauge theory duals, we conjecture that a confining q-string in the 2+1 dimensional gauge theory is dual to a wrapped D4-brane. In particular, the D4-brane looks like a string in the gauge theory directions but wraps a S**3 in S**4 in the transverse geometry. For one of the supergravity solutions, we find a near quadratic scaling law for the tension: Tq(Nq)T \sim q (N-q). Based on the tension, we conjecture that the gauge theory dual is SU(N) far in the infrared. We also conjecture that a quadratic or near quadratic scaling is a generic feature of confining 2+1 dimensional SU(N) gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Brane Tilings and Exceptional Collections

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    Both brane tilings and exceptional collections are useful tools for describing the low energy gauge theory on a stack of D3-branes probing a Calabi-Yau singularity. We provide a dictionary that translates between these two heretofore unconnected languages. Given a brane tiling, we compute an exceptional collection of line bundles associated to the base of the non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold. Given an exceptional collection, we derive the periodic quiver of the gauge theory which is the graph theoretic dual of the brane tiling. Our results give new insight to the construction of quiver theories and their relation to geometry.Comment: 46 pages, 37 figures, JHEP3; v2: reference added, figure 13 correcte